6 ways to make christmas (more) sustainable


Gift wrapping: be creative

When using paper, make sure it’s FSC certified. But better yet, reuse, use alternatives, or find your own way to surprise your friends and family! 

Feast on local products

What’s better than enjoying good food in good company? Meat and fish? Well, you know what’s best. Whatever you eat, you could try to buy local and seasonal food. This way you’ll save a lot of CO2!

No Christmas without lights

True! Let’s all try to use LED and don’t forget to switch off your lights at night. It’s more safe, and who needs lights at night? 

Less choppin’, greener shoppin’ 

Who doesn’t love a nice Christmas tree? That’s why in Holland alone, 2,5 million christmas trees are axed, sold, and thrown out every year. Potted trees can be reused, check if your tree is FSC certified. In a lot of places you can even rent one and have it replanted come January.

Alternatives for plastic christmas decorations

Plastic and PVC Christmas decorations are non-recyclable. Why not pick decorations made of wood, glass or fabric? If you go for timeless designs, you can enjoy your family’s pieces every Christmas.

Make people happy with sustainable gifts

There are so many products out there that will make your loved ones happy, and add something good for the planet or society at the same time. Yes, we also have nice gift packs :-) But just check the web for lists of the most sustainable brands. we’re sure you can find a bag full of positive, idealistic presents!